A political satire card game in which playing trump has consequences. Click

This is an easy-to-learn, hard to master card game of political satire, and trick-taking, in which each player takes the role of a corporation that uses politicians (card suits) to help you get your candidate elected as "president" (points from winning tricks).
To win, you have the opportunity to play ethically, or break the rules and play trump, but if you do there may be consequences!
You could get impeached!
Today, the Democrats have passed the vote to impeach President Donald Trump. For that reason, we have decided to launch our game due to this momentous decision.
When you are ready to have fun, ready to test your moral fortitude, or if you are looking for a gag gift, the we encourage you to buy a copy of our card game that gives each player the chance to play ethically, or break the rules and run the risk of being impeached!
Click to buy a copy of 4FxImpeachment at www.TheGameCrafter.com.
Early versions of this game were playtested extensively and the mechanics were fun, easy to learn and engaging.
The core concept about this game is that if you play an honest game in politics, it is hard, but not impossible, to become elected.
As we see in politics everywhere, every party has an opportunity to bend or break the rules to get ahead. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
In this game, it sure is fun to be evil, and we are poking fun at everyone!!!
So how long will your ethics hold out, or will you jump into being EVIL right away?
Useful information and holiday card notes you can use.
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